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N-PBS 24.7 Enhancements


N-PBS 24.7 Enhancements 

N-PBS 24.7 Enhancements 

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Detailed Explanation

 S-84831 - FLE - CARS Acclimatization 

We implemented new functionality for calculating CAR 700 Acclimatization, alongside the existing functionality. The choice of which functionality to use is controlled by the configuration option Car700Options - AllowAcclimatizationShiftDuringDuty (introduced in story S-86519). This ensures accurate and configurable handling of CAR 700 Acclimatization while maintaining reliability through robust testing.

Note: Details about this functionality can be found in the living document "crwTN - PBS Rules - CARs," specifically in the section CAR 700 Acclimatization (version 0.4 of the document, located on page 6).

Key updates include:

Automated Testing 

  • Existing unit tests for acclimatization calculations are extended to verify behavior for both configurations of AllowAcclimatizationShiftDuringDuty (for both true and false).

  • New tests are added for scenarios where behavior differs depending on this configuration, such as when acclimatization shifts (if the option is enabled).


Manual Testing

  • Manual validation can be performed using the Acclimation Report, located within the Line Simulator tab.
  • It is sufficient to verify (atleast) a single scenario where behavior changes based on the configuration, therefore ensuring the report produces correct values for both configurations.  

S-84831 - FLE - CARS Acclimatization Continued

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN - scenarios on a person's line (schedule) involving pairings and working absences (i.e. absences flagged as WorkForDuty)
WHEN - acclimatization data is calculated for that line (verified within automated rule unit tests, which are run when a developer builds the code with "scons --rerun-tests")
THEN - the acclimatization data reflects the functionality in the living document

GIVEN - a scenario on a person's line (schedule) involving pairings which are expected to behave differently depending whether AllowAcclimatizationShiftDuringDuty is true or false
WHEN  -  acclimatization data is calculated for that line and displays in the Acclimation Report, using the Acclimation button on the line simulator tab
THEN  - the acclimation report produces the correct expected values in both cases (AllowAcclimatizationShiftDuringDuty true and false)

S-84820 - MXY - Changing how the Line Check Airman Flag is activated  

We enhanced the functionality of the "Avoid Line Check Pilots" and "Training Withholding" features by updating PBS to read the LCP special role from within NOC instead of the CAM special role as it previously did.

S-84820 - MXY - Changing how the Line Check Airman Flag is activated Continued

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN - A MXY admin
WHEN - import from N-OC Crew file with new LCP flag
THEN - PBS will read the "LCP" flag

and the import of the file will be successful

GIVEN - A MXY admin
WHEN - import from N-OC Crew file with new LCP flag for a pilot
THEN - PBS will mark the "Line Check Airman" checkbox in the crew details for this pilot

Impact Analysis
 Note: Changes are required to adapt to the new SpecialRole flag.


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