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Add a Bid from the Pairings Screen

You have two options:

  1. add a bid preference that has the same options as your search

  2. add a bid preference with pairing numbers returned from the search results. 

This topic shows how to add a bid preference using both options.


You can add bids to your Current, Default, or Training bid.

To add an Award of Avoid Bid:

  1. Add a Start Pairings bid group from the Bids screen. See Before You Can Add a Bid for important information before adding a bid from the Search screen.

    • Select a bid in the Start Pairings bid group. The bid preference selected is highlighted blue. The new bid preference is added below the highlighted bid.

  2. Go to the Pairings screen.

  3. Perform a search using any options you choose (you don't have to perform a search to bid for pairing numbers).

Add a bid preference with search options

If you want to add a bid preference with pairing numbers skip to step 8.

  1. Click the red plus button beside the grey Award and Avoid buttons in the top menu bar.

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Clicking on the enable bids mode button enables add bids mode and the Award and Avoid buttons beside it. When bids mode is enabled, the red plus inside of the button becomes gray. Also when you enable bids mode a checkbox is displayed beside your search options. The default is disabled, you must click on the check box to add a bid preference that contains the search options. The gray checkmark turns red when enabled.

  1. Click the checkmark beside the search options displayed. The red checkmark indicates a bid preference with search options can be added.

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  1. Click the  Award button to add an Award Pairings If Average Daily Credit > 003:00 bid preference. A confirmation message, with the bid preference that has been added, is displayed. Read the message to ensure the bid preference you want is added. Click OK to continue.


  1. Click the  Avoid button to add an Avoid Pairings If Average Daily Credit > 003:00 bid preference. A confirmation message, with the bid preference that has been added, is displayed. Read the message to ensure the bid preference you want is added. Click OK to continue.

The bids are added to the Start Pairings bid group.

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If you haven't performed a search, you can start at step 10. Please take note of step 9 if you have performed a search.

  1. Enable add bids mode, see step 4.

  2. Make sure that the checkbox beside the search options is disabled (gray). Click the checkmark beside the search options, if it is enabled (red, see step 5). The checkbox must be disabled, grey to add a bid preference with pairing numbers. If the checkbox is enabled and you select a pairing number the bid with search options will be added.

  3. Click the circle beside a pairing number. You can select one or multiple pairings. Below the pairings are selected.

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  1. Click the  Award button to add an Award Pairings if Pairing Numbers XXX bid preference (XXX being the pairing number you selected). A confirmation message, with the bid preference that has been added, is displayed. Read the message to ensure the bid preference you want is added. Click OK to continue.


  1. Click the  Avoid button to add an Avoid Pairings if Pairing Numbers XXX bid preference (XXX being the pairing number you selected). A confirmation message, with the bid preference that has been added, is displayed. Read the message to ensure the bid preference you want is added. Click OK to continue.

  2. A confirmation message is displayed to let you know that the bid has been added. The bid was added to Start Pairings bid group.

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Note: If unable to proceed with the above two options, unclick all selected desired pairings and go to any other function within the Bidders UI. Then, return to the bid screen and try to re-add the pairings to the bid, re-select the pairings you want to add, and the bid should be able to be added.

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