Instruction bid preferences provide special instructions that tell the N-PBS Scheduler how to manage specific bid preferences or what to do if it can’t construct a legal block using your initial bid. Instruction bid preferences tell the N-PBS Scheduler what restrictions to remove when processing your bid in order to complete your block.
Note: Instruction bid preferences are often used to provide the N-PBS Scheduler with more options for creating a legal block before entering Denial mode.
Denial mode occurs if the N-PBS Scheduler could not award you a block that reaches the minimum credit window while honoring all of your bid preferences. In Denial mode, the N-PBS Scheduler deletes your Set Condition, Avoid Pairings, and Prefer Off preferences one at a time that cannot be used to build your block above the minimum credit value.
Note: Redo From Line is always used with Forget Line, but Forget Line can be used alone. These instructions usually add pairings back into your pairing pool that the N-PBS Scheduler can consider adding to your block.