N-PBS 24.7 New Features
N-PBS 24.7 New Features
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Detailed Explanation
S-84282 - Canadian Community - Rest Rule CAR 700.60 (7)
We introduced a new CAR rule for rest after augmented duty:
Rule Name: Pairing-Car_700_60_7
Two Parameters:
- BufferRestMinutes
- ConsiderFDPLength.
Configured for: FLE, CJT, NVB, NVRS
- CJT BufferRestMinutes = 30
- FLE BufferRestMinutes = 0
- NVB BufferRestMinutes = 0
- NVRS BufferRestMinutes = 0
- CJT ConsiderFDPLength = 0
- FLE ConsiderFDPLength = 1
- NVB ConsiderFDPLength = 1
- NVRS ConsiderFDPLength = 1.
New Rule: Greater of:
(a) The duration of the duty (FDP) period that was just completed, plus BufferRestMinutes (only if ConsiderFDPLength parameter is True).
(b) 16 hours when the flight duty period ends at home base, plus BufferRestMinutes.
Reason Text: "Violates 700.60(7) rest after augmented duty."
The definition of augmented is the same as elsewhere.
S-84282 - Canadian Community - Rest Rule CAR 700.60 (7) Continued
4.66 CAR 700.60(7) – Increased rest period
Following a flight duty period, which is extended due to augmentation using additional flight crew members and provision of in-flight rest facilities, the rest period must be the longer duration of the following:
(a) The duration of the duty period that is just completed;
(b) 16 hours when the flight duty period ends at home base; or update config spreadsheet, rules reference manual. This will require an upgrade script.
Note: Most tests will be covered by unit tests.
We introduced an update to CAR 700.60(7) – Increased Rest Period.
Rule Name: 4.66 CAR 700.60(7) – Increased Rest Period
Rule Details: Following a flight duty period extended due to augmentation using additional flight crew members and provision of in-flight rest facilities, the rest period must be the longer duration of the following:
(a) The duration of the duty period that was just completed;
(b) 16 hours when the flight duty period ends at home base.
S-84282 - Canadian Community - Rest Rule CAR 700.60 (7)
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a CJT, FLE, NVB & NVRS admin
WHEN - viewing the rules editor
THEN - the above rule is displayed with the parameters listed in the description
GIVEN - a scheduler run for a customer with this rule
WHEN - a crew member has a pairing where the last duty is augmented (as defined in the description)
THEN - the scheduler enforces a rest of at least 16 + buffer after the pairing
THEN - the scheduler enforces a rest period of at least the duration of the last FDP + buffer if this duration is greater than 16 + the buffer, and if the customer has considered FDP Length as true (1).
AND WHEN a paring award is denied, under an Award Pairings ID, due to this rule.
The result shows the reason as "Violates 700.60(7) rest after augmented duty."
S-79155 - SCX - Waive of Training Credit
For SCX, we implemented a new functionality that allows pilots to waive credit for selected absences, such as Ground Training (GRND) and Simulator Training (SIM). This enhancement enables SCX pilots to optimize their awarded flying hours by prioritizing flight duties over selected training sessions. These new features include:
- An option for crewmembers to select one or both absences (GRND and/or SIM).
- A configurable range allowing crewmembers to choose how many instances of each absence they want to waive credit for (1-10).
Crewmembers can now bid to waive credit for selected absences to increase flying opportunities during the bid period. As well, bids exceeding the number of actual training awards are ignored by the system. Nonetheless, if a crewmember bids to waive an absence that is not awarded, it is also ignored.
Expected results:
- The system processes valid bids and exports a different code for waived credits.
- Invalid or excessive bids are disregarded without impacting the awarded schedule.
Import codes:
- Ground Training (GRND)
- Simulator Training (SIM).
Export codes:
- Ground Training (GRDU)
- Simulator Training (SIMU).
S-79155 - SCX - Waive of Training Credit Continued
Examples of the syntax for bid lines:
We created functionality to limit the number of bid lines for waiving training credit. Waive Training Credit SIM 2, GRND 1 Waive Training Credit, SIM 2 Waive Training Credit GRND 1; The digits 1,2 etc. correspond to the number of instances of those absences the user wants to waive credit for. CORRECT
Thus, it is possible to add only one bid line for SIM or GRND within the same bid group. For example, Case two.
Case one:
If a user tries to add "Waive Training Credit SIM 2" and "Waive Training Credit GRND 1," the system does not allow a third line for "Waive Training Credit."
Case two:
If a user tries to add "Waive Training Credit SIM 2, GRND 1" in one bid group, the system does not allow a second line for "Waive Training Credit."
An error message appears, informing the user that the maximum limit for bid lines has been reached. Note: The error message helps prevent adding more than the allowed number of bid lines for waiving training credit.
S-79155 - SCX - Waive of Training Credit Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a bidder
WHEN - bidding to waive training credit
THEN - if there is a duplication, the error message "Waive of training credit already applied" displays
WHEN - bidding to waive training credit
THEN - the syntax (SIM or GRND) for joint line bidding display
GIVEN - a bidder that wants to waive training credit
WHEN - waive is selected
THEN - the option to "Waive training credit" with sub-menus to select "SIM", "GRND" (Ground Training {GRND} & Simulator Training {SIM}) or "BOTH" display
GIVEN - a bidder
WHEN - wanting to waive training events
THEN - the bidder can choose how many instances of those absences is wanted to waive credit for (range 1-10.)
S-82351 - SCX - Waive of Training Credit: Export Work
We modified the PBS Crew Absence Export to include changes for waiving training credit.
If the bidder has used the Bid Waive Training Credit then the output absence code (e.g. SIM below) is modified. If the bid waives a number of GRND or SIM then the corresponding number of events with that absence code are output as GRDU and/or SIMU.
Example Bid:
Waive Training Credit 2 GRND, 1 SIM
- If the bidder is awarded 2 GRND they will both be output as GRDU.
- If the bidder is awarded only 1 GRND it will be output as GRDU.
- If the bidder is awarded more than 2 GRND events then the first 2 will be output as GRDU the additional GRND events will be output as they are now (using the first three characters of the description of the GRND absence code).
- If the bidder is awarded only 1 SIM it will be output as SIMU.
- If the bidder is awarded more than 1 SIM events then the first 1 will be output as SIMU the additional SIM events will be output as they are now (using the first three characters of the description of the SIM absence code).
Note: For testing of this task the SCX setup must have absence codes GRND & SIM. Note that the first three characters of the description will be used to output these events when they are not waived.
S-82351 - SCX - Waive of Training Credit: Export Work Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - an SCX bidder uses the Waive Training Credit Bid and the administrator generates the PBS Crew Absence Export,
WHEN - the number of GRND events awarded to the bidder is less than or equal to the number of GRND they bid to waive,
THEN - all of those GRND events are output as GRDU,
WHEN - the number of GRND events awarded to the bidder is greater than the number of GRND they bid to waive,
THEN - the first GRND events are output as GRDU, up to the number they bid to waive,
WHEN - the number of SIM events awarded to the bidder is less than or equal to the number of SIM they bid to waive,
THEN - all of those SIM events are output as SIMU,
WHEN - the number of SIM events awarded to the bidder is greater than the number of SIM they bid to waive,
THEN - the first SIM events are output as SIMU, up to the number they bid to waive.
S-82832 - SCX - Add If/If Not to Pairing Filter and Bid Preferences
We added the "If/If Not" option to the Pairings tab and the Award Pairings Bid Preferences section of the configuration file for all properties with the "Not" option under Award Pairings.The configuration displays the updated "If/If Not" functionality for applicable pairing bid properties, and the functionality operates correctly for Award Bids and Pairing Search.
These enhancements include:
- Adding the "If/If Not" function to all pairing bid properties.
- Applying this update specifically for the flight deck.
- Ensuring the functionality is available for Award Bids and Pairing Search only.
- Updating the configuration spreadsheet to reflect these changes.
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - an SCX bidder
WHEN - viewing the Pairings Tab
THEN - the bidder sees the "If/If Not" option under all bid properties.
GIVEN - an SCX bidder
WHEN - viewing the Award Pairing Bid Preferences Tab
THEN - the bidder sees the "If/If Not" option under all bid properties.
GIVEN - an SCX bidder
WHEN - opening the Avoid Pairing Tab for bidding in the WebApp
THEN - the bidder sees the SOR/TOA options displayed (added later).
S-77434 - JBU - Integration - Export Crew Roster Awards
The functionality to manually export a new type of file TOPS Export in PBS is now available. This feature supports JetBlue, which depends on the NAVBLUE system for preferential bidding where crew members submit their bids, and rosters are awarded accordingly. Since TOPS CREW system is responsible for tracking the crew members' rosters, once the NAVBLUE system issues a roster file, TOPS CREW processes and displays it for user review and further actions.
Main tasks
1. Create a new button in the Output tab.
2. Create the mechanism for the proper generation of the file.
3. Changes in the database.
Example: As a JBU admin, I want to export the TOPS Export file so that a file containing just the Roster awards gets downloaded in .xml format.
Scenario for JBU:
After completing development JBU admin should be able to:
1. Log to the Admin UI for JBU.
2. Go to the Run Manger tab.
3. Launch a run.
4. When the run is completed go to the "Reports" section by clicking the "Reports" button.
5. Go to the Output tab.
6. Click on the button "Generate TOPS Export".
Expected result:
- The file is generated and downloaded
- The file is in the .xml format
- The name of the file contains TOPS Export.
S-77434 - JBU - Integration - Export Crew Roster Awards Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click "Generate Roster Output"
THEN - a file containing only the Roster awards gets downloaded in .xml format
S-80619 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Pairings from
JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format
For JetBlue, the ability to manually import historical pairing data files generated by TOPS CREW system is now available. These historical pairing extracts include all pairings and their associated crew assignments, based on the specified start and end dates provided by the NAVBLUE system.
Main tasks:
1. Create a new entry for TOPS Historical Pairings and populate data into the database.
2. Create an entry in the dropdown for imported files. The name of the entry should be TOPS Historical Pairings.
3. Create a column "TOPS Historical Pairings" to display the results of the import. The column displays the "Pairing Data Status" table.
As a JBU admin, I want to import the "TOPS Historical Pairings" file so that the data is populated into the database and updated.
Scenario for JBU:
After completing development JBU admin is able to:
1. Log in to the Admin UI for JBU.
2. Go to the Period tab.
3. Click on the "Data" button for the selected period.
4. In the section "Import Files" click on the dropdown.
5. Select the "TOPS Historical Pairings" option from the dropdown.
6. Click on the "Choose file" button, select a proper .xml file and open it.
7. Click on the "Import" button.
Expected result:
- The import logs display.
- The file is imported successfully.
- The "TOPS Historical Pairings" column in the "Pairing Data Status" table is updated.
- The data as BASE, Equipment, position, and crew categories must be configured first.
- The TOPS Crew file has to be imported first.
S-80619 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Pairings from JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format Continued
Error messages:
Error messages should specify the root cause of the error. The error message mentions both the crewID involved and the field for which the error occurred. While the squad frames the failure message, it is important to include both the crewID and field. Note: The error messages display in the "Import Files" section:
.xml Message Format for Historical Pairings scenario
Note: Please refer the appendix section for additional .xml samples for all the applicable scenario.
Not applicable for the Historical Pairings extract:
- qualification details
- layover hotel information
- crew complements for the duty segment
- pairing credit
- Aircraft Route Change Indicator.
S-80619 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Pairings from JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Pairings" file that does not have the file extension .xml
THEN - importing fails
AND - an error message displays that the file that is uploaded is not of type .xml
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Pairings" file with the extension .xml and in the correct format (the content of the file).
THEN - gets imported into the system with no error.
AND the column "TOPS Historical Pairings" in the "Pairing Data Status" section is updated to reflect the results of the import.
Note: Read the format expectations in the description for a clearer understanding of what the correct format means.
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Pairings" file with the extension .xml and the correct format (the content of the file).
THEN - gets imported into the system with no error
AND - the data in other parts of the application can be verified through the UI.
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Pairings" file which is not in the correct format (the content of the file)
THEN - importing fails (no partial imports)
AND an error message displays that the file that is uploaded does not have the correct format and points to the invalid field of entry and the crewID.
S-80648 - JBU - Integration - Import Absences from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
We have added a new feature to extend the functionality established in S-77442 for importing the TOPS Absences file. This enhancement assists with the final integration with TOPS by establishing a direct connection to their server. Through this connection, the Administrator can now send a request from the N-PBS application to obtain the TOPS Absences file. Once the data is received, the file is automatically imported into the N-PBS application.
The schema and validation checks completed during the import stay the same and no changes are made. The same goes for the pairing data status table. Upon a successful import, the changes are the same as previous stories.
Example: As a JBU admin, I want to import the TOPS ABSENCES file directly from the TOPS Crew application so that the data is populated into the database and updated.
Main tasks:
1. Create an integration by calling a Webservice API exposed from the TOPS CREW system and storage of imported data in the N-PBS database:
- The period for which the data will be requested will be decided by the N-PBS system (usually corresponds to the date range for a requested period).
2. Creation of the "Integrated Import" section for automatic import of the files. Note:
- TOPS CREW shall generate the respective data as per the N-PBS specification in .xml file format and shall be shared with the N-PBS system over the SFTP channel.
- Current solution: manual import of the .xml file: S-77442.
S-80648 - JBU - Integration - Import Absences from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
With the development of this story, the import of TOPS Absences through Webservice API becomes similar to the N-OC solution:
1. The Server Address must be added manually in the Integration tab.
- The label "N-OC Server Address" has to be changed to the "TOPS CREW Server Address".
S-80648 - JBU - Integration - Import Absences from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
2. In the "Periods" tab for data import, there is a new "Integrated Imports" section (as shown in below image):
- Instead of labelling for dropdown N-OC Server, it is TOPS CREW Server.
- Instead of the N-OC Absences Activities button, there is the TOPS Absences button.
Note: Other buttons with the TOPS prefix will emerge as development continues on other imports.
S-80648 - JBU - Integration - Import Absences from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to "Periods" Tab and import data for a period
THEN - the new "Integrated Imports" section displays with the "TOPS CREW Server" dropdown and the "TOPS Absences" button
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the "Integrated Imports" section located within the "Periods" tab
AND - click the "TOPS Absences" button
THEN - gets the "TOPS Absences" file imported into the system with no error
AND - the column "TOPS Absences" in the "Pairing Data Status " section is updated to reflect the results of the import
S-81234 - JBU - Integration - Import Crew Members file from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
For JetBlue, the ability to import .xml files initiated by the NAVBLUE admin from the webserver, instead of a local device, is now available. The NAVBLUE system determines the period for which data is requested, and the data extract includes master pairing details for absence activities (all non-flying crew activities). TOPS CREW generates the required data in the specified NAVBLUE .xml file format and shares it with the NAVBLUE system. NAVBLUE requests this information through a webservice API exposed by TOPS CREW system, which generates and provides the data in the .xml file format as per NAVBLUE's system specifications.
N_PBS Admin:
With the development of this story, the import through Webservice API becomes similar to the N-OC solution:
1. The Server Address needs to be added manually in the Integration tab.
- The label "N-OC Server Address" has to be changed to the "TOPS CREW Server Address".
S-81234 - JBU - Integration - Import Crew Members file from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API Continued
2. In the "Period" tab for data import, there is a new "Integrated Imports" section (shown below in image):
- Instead of labelling for dropdown N-OC Server, there is TOPS CREW Server.
- Instead of the N-OC CREW button, there is the TOPS Crew button (Image below is highlighted for absences).
Note: Other buttons with the TOPS prefix are going to emerge as development continues on other imports.
Webservice API:
- The objective is to export the Crew Absence Activities from TOPS CREW to NAVBLUE system.
- The absence activities include non-availability activities and other activities such as Vacations, Reserve activities, Training activities, Sick, Office Duty etc. This process is initiated by a pull request from NAVBLUE to extract the above snapshot data prior to the preferential bid initiation. The generated data is shared as a .xml file over the SFTP channel and delivered to the NAVBLUE system.
S-81234 - JBU - Integration - Import Crew Members file from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the Periods Tab and import data for a period
THEN - the new "Integrated Imports" section displays with the "TOPS CREW Server" dropdown and the "TOPS Crew" button
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the "Integrated Imports" section located within the "Periods" tab
AND - click the "TOPS Crew" button
THEN - if the file is generated correctly in the TOPS system, it gets the TOPS Crew file imported into the PBS with no error
AND - the column "TOPS Crew" in the "Pairing Data Status section is updated to reflect the results of the import
Note: All error messaging and formatting remain the same as it is presently for manual import.
S-81235 - JBU - Integration - Import Pairings, Historical pairing from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API
The functionality to import files from the webserver, replacing the previous method of loading from a local device, is now available. The imported file aligns with the format used in the S-77437(Pairings) S-80619 (Historical pairing) and S-80620 (Withheld pairings) stories. The schema, validations, and pairing data status table have not changed, ensuring consistency with the existing process. Once the import is successfully completed, the pairing data status does not change.
For JetBlue, this new feature assists with the monthly request for Crew planning data from TOPS CREW to initiate preferential bidding. The NAVBLUE administrator initiates the pull request (monthly) before the start of the bidding process. TOPS CREW exports the snapshot data based on the bid period's start and end dates provided in the request. The requested period is determined by the NAVBLUE system, and the data extract includes master pairing information for the absence activities (all non-flying crew activities). TOPS CREW generates the data as per the NAVBLUE specification in .xml file format and shares this with the NAVBLUE system. NAVBLUE requests this data (information) by requesting a webservice API exposed from TOPS CREW system. TOPS CREW generates the data in .xml format according to NAVBLUE specifications and shares it with the NAVBLUE system.
N_PBS Admin:
Current state
The Interface module allows the import of crew members' "Absences" data through a single way: file integration.
S-81235 - JBU - Integration - Import Pairings, Historical pairing from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API Continued
Evolution requested
We have added the "Absences" data for crew members by using a Webservice API for data retrieval and ensuring its storage in the NAVBLUE database. The imported data aligns with the format and structure of the existing Import files.
Webservice API:
- The objective is to export the Crew Absence Activities from TOPS CREW to NAVBLUE system.
- The absence activities include non-availability activities and other activities such as Vacations, Reserve, Training, Sick, Office Duty, etc. This process is initiated by a pull request from NAVBLUE to extract the above snapshot data prior to the preferential bid initiation. The generated data is shared as a .xml file over the SFTP channel and delivered to the NAVBLUE system.
S-81235 - JBU - Integration - Import Pairings, Historical pairing from JBU's "TOPS CREW" via Webservice API Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the "Periods" Tab and import data for a period
THEN - the new "Integrated Imports" section displays with the "TOPS Server" dropdown and the "TOPS Pairings" button
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the "Integrated Imports" section located within the "Periods" tab
AND - click the "TOPS Pairings" button
THEN - gets the "TOPS Pairings" file imported into the system with no error
AND the column "TOPS Pairings" in the "Pairing Data Status" section is updated to reflect the results of the import
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - go to the "Periods" Tab to import data for a period
THEN - the new "Integrated Imports" section is displayed with the "TOPS Server" dropdown and the "TOPS Historical Pairings" button
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I go to the "Integrated Imports" section in the "Periods" tab
and I click the "TOPS Historical Pairings" button
THEN - it should get the TOPS Historical Pairings file imported into the system without an error
AND the column "TOPS Historical Pairings" in the "Pairing Data Status " section should be updated to reflect the results of the import
S-81900 - JBU - Integration - [Server upload] Upload JBU's "TOPS CREW" via SFTP During Crew Roster Awards Export
For JBU, we created the ability to generate and upload the Crew Roster Report after publishing a run.
These enhancements include:
- The report is generated after publishing a run.
- The file is placed into the JBU SFTP server in the /incoming/uat or /incoming/stg folder, depending on the server used to retrieve the data.
- During development, /incoming/sat can be used for testing purposes.
- The file is compressed with the name starting with "R-" and the file extension is ".xml.gz."
Crew Roster Awards
The Crew Roster Awards process includes the roster award file from NAVBLUE to TOPS CREW system, which contains the roster awarding details for the entire bid period. The file is exported from NAVBLUE once awarding is completed. The awarding for the CA position occurs first, followed by FO awarding in a separate file, and then Inflight crew members are included in another file. The file includes awarding for pairings and reserve activities, with Line Type information. Crew members awarded pairings are categorized as "Line Holders" (LH), and those awarded reserve activities are categorized as "Line Reserve" (LR). The roster award file is uploaded to an SFTP folder, where TOPS CREW consumes it. The roster file load process into TOPS CREW is not fully automated. The file is displayed in the Roster Load screen, where users perform business validations and legality checks before loading the award details into the system.
S-83393 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Block Time from JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format
The ability to import the Historical Block Time files generated by TOPS CREW system is now available. This allows JetBlue to import files manually.
Main tasks
1. Create a new entry for Historical Block Time request and populate data into the Data Base.
2. Create an entry in the dropdown for imported files. The name of the entry should be TOPS Historical Block Time.
3. Create a column " TOPS Historical Block Time" to show the results of the import. The column is displayed in the "Pairing Data Status" table.
Example: As a JBU admin, I want to import the TOPS Historical Block Time file so that the data is populated into the database and updated.
Scenario for JBU:
After completing development JBU admin are able to:
1. Log in to the Admin UI for JBU.
2. Go to the Period tab.
3. Click on the "Data" button for the selected period.
4. In the section "Import Files" click on the dropdown.
5. Select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" option from the dropdown.
6. Click on the "Choose file" button, select a proper .xml file and open it.
7. Click on the "Import" button.
Expected Result:
- The import logs display.
- The file is imported successfully.
- The "TOPS Historical Block Time" column in the "Pairing Data Status" table updates.
- The data as BASE, Equipment, Position, and Crew categories have to be configured first.
- The TOPS Crew file has to be imported first.
S-83393 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Block Time from JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format Continued
Error messages:
Error messages should specify the root cause of the error. The error message mentions both the crewID involved and the field where the error occurred. While the squad frames the failure message, it is important to include both the crewId and field. Note: The error messages display in the "Import Files" section:
S-83393 - JBU - Integration - Import Historical Block Time from JBU's "TOPS" Provided in .xml Format Continued
Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" file that does not have the file extension .xml
THEN - importing will fail
AND an error message displays that the file that is uploaded is not of type .xml
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" file with the extension .xml and the correct format (the content of the file).
THEN - it gets imported into the system with no error
AND the column "TOPS Historical Block Time" in the "Pairing Data Status " section is updated to reflect the results of the import
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" file with the extension .xml and in the correct format (the content of the file)
THEN - it gets imported into the system with no error
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" file that is not in the correct format (the content of the file)
THEN - importing fails (no partial imports)
AND an error message shows that the file that is uploaded does not have the correct format and displays the invalid field of entry and the crewID
GIVEN - a JBU admin
WHEN - I click import and select the "TOPS Historical Block Time" file that contains data from the previous period
THEN - gets imported into the system with no error
AND - the "TOPS Historical Block Time" data from the previous period is excluded