Searching for and administering crew
In this topic we review how to search for crew members, use the advanced search and how to add and remove users to the system. We also show how to change a password and email address associated with a user.
We estimate that this will take 10 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Click the Employee Number input field.
Ensure you are using the Crew tab.
You can search on a variety of criteria. Let's begin by searching employee numbers. You can either search for an entire employee number or part of the number that includes any string of numbers that appear in the employee number.
Enter 10 into the Employee Number field.
Click the Search button.
Click the Employee Number input field.
The search results all include items where "10" appears in the employee number.
Clear the previous entry in preparation for a different search.
Press the Backspace
Click the Last Name input field.
Let's now search on the last name of the person you want to find.
Enter Pizir into the Last Name field.
Click the Search button.
Let's now edit the second entry.
Click the Second entry row.
Click the Edit button.
Click the Line Check Airman check box.
The Crewmember Details page displays all crew member attributes. You can then make changes to these attributes.
Let's identify this user as a Line Check Airman.
Click the Save button.
Click the OK button.
A warning message appears to inform you that you are changing critical information about the person.
Doing this means that every run using this person is now invalid due to the changed data. Be sure to consider this before making the changes, and ensure you redo the run to validate it with the new information.
Click the Activities button.
When returning to the search, you see the change you just made reflected in the list.
Let's view the activities for this crew member.
Click the Done button.
Activities show the historical activities for the crew member as well as anything awarded or assigned to the person during this particular bid period.
If the planner wants to add or delete an activity for the current bid period, they do so using these buttons.
Click the Last Name input field.
Let's perform an advanced search. First, let's clear the exiting data.
Press the
Click Backspace enough times to clear the Last Name field.
Click the Advanced button.
The advanced search capability allows you to use filters to find users with specific attributes. For instance, let's find Denver captains who are not eligible to bid.
Click the Base dropdown button.
Click the DEN list item.
Click the Add button.
Click add to use the attribute. You can add as many as are available in the drop down.
Click the Crew Classification dropdown button.
Click the CA list item.
Click the Add button.
With Denver captains defined, add the third criteria: that they are not eligible to bid.
Click the Eligible dropdown button.
Click the False list item.
Click the Search button.
Click the 404700 row while keeping the Shift
key pressed.
The results of the search display. From this list, you can perform a bulk edit to all search results. For this example, we'll make all of these crew members eligible.
You can select the crew members you want using any of the usual selection conventions. For example, you can use Ctrl-A to select all or Ctrl-click to select specific ones. For this example, let's use Shift-click to select a range.
Click the Edit button.
Click the Eligible dropdown button.
Click the True list item.
Click the Save button.
Click the OK button.
Now let's add a crew planner to the system.
Click the Add button.
Click the Employee Number input field.
Enter the crew planner's employee number.
Enter 654321 into the Employee Number field.
Click the First Name input field.
Enter Anthony into the First Name field.
Click the Last Name input field.
Enter Anderson into the Last Name field.
Click the User Type dropdown button.
Click the Scheduler list item.
Select a User Type. These options are:
- Bidder: Crew members. These people do not have access to the administrations views.
- Scheduler: Has full access to the admin system. Crew Planners are typically designated as Schedulers.
- CrewAdmin: Have limited access to the admin views, with read only access.
Click the Save button.
Click the OK button.
This time, let's add a Las Vegas First Officer to the system.
Click the Add button.
Click the Employee Number input field.
Enter 68275 into the Employee Number field.
Click the First Name input field.
Enter Jason into the First Name field.
Click the Last Name input field.
Enter Pratt into the Last Name field.
Click the Eligible check box.
Click the Add button.
Let's designate him as a Las Vegas First Officer.
Click the Category dropdown button.
Click the LAS-319-FO list item.
Click the Seniority input field.
Enter the seniority number for the person.
Enter 815 into the Seniority field.
Click the Ok button.
Click the Save button.
Click the OK button.
Click the Delete button.
Let's now delete a user.
Click the OK button.
- Changing your password
Click the Last Name input field.
Let's now change a user password.
Enter Pizir into the Last Name field.
Click the Search button.
Click the Second row.
Click the Edit button.
Click the Change Password tab.
Let's now perform a change password process. If you ever want to change your password, you can follow this process without contacting support.
Click the New Password input field.
Enter air123 into the New Password field.
Click the Confirm New Password input field.
Enter air123 into the Confirm New Password field.
Click the Change Password button.
Click the OK button.
Click the Register E-mail tab.
You can also change your E-mail address in the same way.
- Registering an email address
Congratulations! You have successfully reviewed how to search for crew members, use the advanced search, and how to add and remove users to the system. You also reviewed changing a password and email address.