Configuring reserves
In this topic we review how planners can configure reserve call types.
We estimate that this will take 2 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
In this scenario we are going to add a long call reserve call type.
Remember to check that you have the correct bid period selected in the "Configuration for" dropdown.
Click the Add button.
Click the Name input field.
Enter RSL into the Name field.
The call type name can be anything you like, but keep in mind that the crew members will see it.
Click the Reserve Status | Long radio button.
Export codes must match whatever you have configured in your daily crew management system.
Click the Export Code input field.
Enter RL into the Export Code field.
Start Time and End Time should match what you have in your CMS. In our scenario, these are 00:01 and 23:59.
Click the Start Time | Up spin button.
Click the End Time | Down spin button.
In this area of the screen we configure the categories that should apply to this call type. For our scenario, they will be all of the Captain (CA) and First Officer (FO) positions, but NOT the Flight Attendant (FA).
Click the CHI-319-CA list item.
Click the PHL-319-FO list item while keeping the Shift
key pressed.
You need to hold down the Shift key and then left mouse click.
Click the >> button.
Recall that at the beginning of the scenario, we said we wanted to exclude Flight Attendants from this call type. Accordingly, let's move that category back to the Excluded list.
Click the DEN-319-FA list item.
Click the << button.
Click the Save button.
The bottom line shows the new call type along with the categories it applies to.
Congratulations! You have successfully reviewed how to configure reserve call types.