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Add/Edit a Rule Exception

The Rule Exception sub-tab is located in the Config tab.

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  1. Navigate to the Rule Exception screen.

  2. Select Add or Edit. See Edit a Rule Exception for instructions on selecting a rule to edit.

  3. Add/Edit the Rule Exception criteria and values ( see below for more details).

  4. Select Save to keep the changes / Select Cancel to return to the Rule Exception screen.

  5. Optional. You can see the pairings that match the criteria you entered. See Show Matching Pairings for more information.

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Rule Exception Criteria

Pairing criteria is listed below with details, click on the heading to view. The fields are related to a specific duty. A pairing matches the criteria if it contains a matching duty.

Effective Date and Termination Date:

The start date of the duty must be between these 2 dates.  Note: this is the duty start, not the pairing start. A pairing does NOT match if the duty starts after the termination date, even if the pairing starts before the termination date.

This includes both end values (i.e. includes duties that start on the effective date and includes duties that start on the termination date). Date is measured using the local time of the duty's start location.

  • Effective Date 10 Jan 2014

  • Termination Date 10 Feb 2014

  • Duty Start Minimum Time 18:00

  • Duty Start Maximum Time 06:00

  • Duties starting in the range 18:00 to 23:59, or in the range 00:00 to 06:00, on every date from 10 Jan 2014 to 10 Feb 2014, do match.

  • Duties starting in the range 00:00 to 06:00 on 11 Feb 2014 do not match.

Duty Start Min Time and Duty Start Max Time:

The start time of the duty must be between the Duty Start Min time entered and the Duty Start Max time entered.

This includes both end values (i.e. includes duties that start at exactly the Duty Start Min Time, and includes duties that start at exactly the Duty Start Max Time). Time is measured using local time of the start location of the duty.  (Note: this ensures that the duties that match the criteria are unaffected by crewmember acclimation status).

Time ranges crossing midnight

If the minimum times that are strictly greater than the maximum times are interpreted as crossing midnight. The start time of the matching duty must either by greater than or equal to the minimum, or less than or equal to the maximum.

For example, given Minimum 18:00 and Maximum 06:00, the duty start time must either be in the range 18:00 to 23:59 (including both end values), or in the range 00:00 to 06:00 (including both end values).

Note that the date range must be matched independently of the time, for example:

  • Effective Date 10 Jan 2014

  • Termination Date 10 Feb 2014

  • Duty Start Minimum Time 18:00

  • Duty Start Maximum Time 06:00

  • Duties starting in the range 18:00 to 23:59, or in the range 00:00 to 06:00, on every date from 10 Jan 2014 to 10 Feb 2014, do match.

  • Duties starting in the range 00:00 to 06:00 on 11 Feb 2014 do not match.

Allow Trailing Deadheads:

If the Allow Trailing Deadheads flag is False (unchecked) - the duty must not contain any deadheads.  It does not match if it contains deadheads.

If the Allow Trailing Deadheads flag is True (checked) -  the duty may optionally contain trailing deadheads only (deadheads after the last non-deadhead leg in the duty). Deadheads are not allowed elsewhere in the duty. It does not match if it contains deadheads earlier in the duty.

Leg Criteria

The number of non-deadhead legs within the duty must exactly match the number Legs present within the criteria.


The non-deadhead legs of the duty must exactly match the location pairs in the exception criteria, in the exact same order, with starts before ends (e.g. Leg 1 Start, Leg 1 End, Leg 2 Start, Leg 2 End etc.)


The non-deadhead legs of the duty must match one of the equipment specified for the corresponding leg except when specified equipment value is "*" which means any equipment.

Augments and Rest Facility Classes

The Augment is the pilot crew complement subtract 2.

The non-deadhead legs of the duty must exactly match the Augments and Rest Facility Classes for the corresponding legs with the exception of legs where the Augment is zero, in which case, for those legs, the Rest Facility Class need not match (since it is not relevant).

The augment and rest class facility (when rest class facility is relevant) must match exactly.  A  higher augment or better rest facility class does not match.

Rule Values

Max Block

An entered value of  0:00 has no effect.

The value entered replaces the maximum flight time value that will be used in FAR 117.11. This new value replaces the normal value, whether it is higher or lower than the normal value.

When an exception value is being used, buffers do not apply; exact values entered are used.

When an exception value is being used, the crewmember's acclimation status does not affect that value. Therefore, if a duty is constructed legally (i.e. not exceeding this max block), it will always be legal in N-PBS (for FAR 117.11). Use the Enforce Max Block From Exceptions Table checkbox run parameter to choose whether to enforce the exception values in N-PBS anyway (e.g. A pairing which is subject to an exception value and has been constructed illegally to exceed that exception value will be illegal to award in N-PBS if this parameter is selected).


An entered value of  0:00 has no effect.

The value entered replaces the maximum FDP value that will be used in FAR 117.13_15_17. This new value replaces the normal value, whether it is higher or lower than the normal value.

When an exception value is being used, buffers do not apply; exact values entered are used.

When an exception value is being used, for Unacclimated crewmembers, the N-PBS Scheduler will not subtract the usual 30 minutes (whereas it does when using the normal limit taken from table B or C).

Split duty rest will continue to be subtracted from the FDP as normal for unaugmented duties that contain qualifying split duty rest.

Rest Before

The value entered is enforced as a rest before the matching duty.   The N-PBS Scheduler will only consider the first duty in the pairing as it is assumed to have been properly enforced by pairing construction.

An entered value of  0:00 has no effect.

The value entered replaces the normal value for rest before the pairing in FAR 117.25e.  This new value replaces the normal value, whether it is higher or lower than the normal value.

When an exception value is being used, buffers do not apply; exact values entered are used.

This value only replaces the value used in FAR 117.25e.  Other rules that place a rest before the pairing are also applied so that the largest required rest is enforced.

Rest After

The value entered is enforced as a rest after the matching duty.  The N-PBS Scheduler will only verify the last duty in the pairing as it is assumed to have been properly enforced by pairing construction.

An entered value of  0:00 has no effect.

The value entered is applied with the Rest After Pairings From Exceptions Table rule.

Hours Rest After Pairing and Phys Nights After Pairing

These values enforce rest after the matching pairing (regardless of where the matching duty occurred within the pairing).  

The entered values are applied within the Rest After Pairings From Exceptions Table rule.

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