Bidding For Training
This topic reviews how you place bids and re-order preferences for training.
We estimate that this will take 8 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Click the Bids tab.
Click the Bids tab.
Click the Training tab.
Click the Training tab, if not already selected.
In some implementations, this tab is
labeled Event.
Click the
This screen displays your current training bid set. If there are no bid groups listed, you have not yet submitted any bids. As you use the system, your history of setting training bid groups displays on this tab.
Click the Plus button to create a new bid group.
Click the Prefer Off list item text.
The Bid Preference Editor pane displays. This pane shows all of the configured options available to you when creating bids. Use it to bid for particular training days, request days off, avoid particular training days, and so forth.
Insert a bid for Prefer Off.
Remember to select the text for this option, not the check box.
Click the Dates List list item text.
You have several different options for bidding for a day off:
- Dates List allows you to pick one or more dates.
- Dates Range allows you to select a range of consecutive dates.
- Days of the Week list allows you select one or more days of the week.
- Days of Week Range allows you to select a consecutive range of days of the week.
Click 09.
Use the calendar to select the particular days off you want by clicking their respective dates. Let's pick the 9th and the 19th of February.
Click 19.
Click the Apply button.
Note that as you add dates, they populate into the bid line you are creating.
Now that you've made your selections, click Apply to finalize.
Click the Reset All button.
Once finalized, a bid line is assigned a number to indicate its place in the bid group.
It's important to note that numbers are assigned in the order you create your bid preferences, per bid line. This order is important, as it dictates the order in which the PBS attempts to meet your desired preferences. For example, if you prefer to have all Tuesdays and Thursdays off before preferring Friday the 19th off, you must ensure the bid line for those two days precedes that for the 19th. You can reorder this list after you have entered your preferences. We'll explore how in a moment.
Note that the next bid line keeps the preferences of the one you just created. This is so that you can build on these dates if you want.
For this example, let's clear them to start with a fresh bid preference by resetting.
Click the Prefer Off list item text.
Let's enter a Prefer Off bid preference for Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Click the Days Of Week List list item text.
Click the Tu column header of the calendar.
Click the day you prefer to have off. For this example, choose both Tuesday and Thursday.
Click the Th column header of the calendar.
Click the Apply button.
Note these values populate in the bid line.
Click the Home button.
This preference is prioritized lower than your preference to have Feb 9 and Feb 19 off.
Click the Award Training list item text.
Let's pick some dates for Award Training.
Note the check box, denoting we already have values set up for Prefer Off.
Click the Pattern Start list item text.
Click the Dates Range list item.
Click 15 for the calendar date.
Click 18.
Click the Apply button.
For Date Range options, when you select a start date, and then an end date, all dates between fill in.
Click the Back To Pattern Start button.
You can use the Home button to return all the way back to the start of the preferences, but let's use the Back To Pattern Start option to step back, one step at a time.
Click the Back To Award Trainings button.
Click the Back To Bid Preferences button.
Click Avoid Training.
Now, let's add dates we want to avoid when setting preferences for training bids.
Click Pattern Touches.
Pattern Touches are training patterns which directly boarder a particular day or date.
Click the Days Of Week List list item text.
Click the Sa column header of the calendar.
Select Saturday as a day you want no training around, that is, not Friday or Sunday.
Click the Apply button.
Click the Reset All button.
Now, reset all the bid options currently in play.
Click the Close button.
Finally, close the Line Bid Editor dialog.
Click the Bidline 3 row.
Choose any bid line item by selecting it.
Let's select bid line 3.
Click the
As mentioned earlier, it's important to have your bid lines in the correct order within the bid group to ensure PBS considers your requests in the priority order you want. Let's say you wanted this training pattern to be considered before your preference for Tuesdays and Thursdays off.
With the bid line selected, click the Up button to raise its priority preference.
Click Bid line 1.
The bid line items have been reordered.
Now, select bid line 1.
Click the Down button
In this way, you can arrange your preferences into any order you like.
Congratulations! You have successfully configured training bid preferences and reordered them in a bid group.