This section describes how to use the bid analyzer on a single Award or Avoid Pairing bid. If you have multiple bids, select it to analyze it alone. Add an Avoid bid in step 1 and follow the rest of the steps to analyze an Avoid bid.
1. Add an Award/Avoid Pairings bid preference.
Click the bid preference to highlight it.
Click the Analyze button. The Bid Analyzer opens at the bottom of the screen.
4. Click the expand button to view the results in full screen. The results are a list of pairings that match the result. Click a heading to view the list of pairings that match it. The heading turns red to indicate which results you are viewing. The example below shows the Matching results in the red box.
There are three sets of numbers below each heading. These numbers indicate the number of pairings, pairing on dates, and pairing instances.
Pairings: How many pairings match the bid preference.
Pairing on Dates: How many times the pairing operates in the bid period.
Pairing Instances: How many positions are available on the pairing in the bid period. This number may be higher than pairings if there are more than 1 position on the pairing.
Matching: These numbers indicate how many pairings match the bid preference.
(-)Filtered: These numbers show how many pairings have been removed by the negative bid preference. These pairings won't be awarded unless denial mode is used.
Filtered: These numbers indicate how many pairings are in the available pairing pool. This is the number of pairings that the PBS Scheduler will consider when awarding your block unless denial mode is used.
(+)Preferred: These numbers show how many pairings have been added to the Preferred pool.
Preferred: These numbers indicate how many pairings are in the preferred available pairing pool. These are the number of pairings that match your bid preferences (what you have requested in your bid).
Award Pairings Results
This section looks further at the results from the positive Award Pairings If Departing on Monday, Tuesday bid preference. Remember that positive bid preferences add pairings to your preferred pool of pairings. The preferred pool is the number of pairings that are possible awards based on your positive bid preferences. This is what you have told the PBS Scheduler you are looking for in pairings.
Matching 46:63:127: 46 pairings match the bid preference. These pairings operate 63 times in the bid period and there are 127 instances (positions) of this pairing.
(-)Filtered 0:0:0: No pairings match because this is a positive bid preference. Not shown when viewing the results inside of the bid group.
Filtered 113:234:475: There are 113 pairings in the available pairing pool that operate 234 times in the month with 475 instances (positions). These pairings are the pool of possible awards.
(+)Preferred 46:63:127: 46 pairings match the bid preference. These pairings operate 63 times in the bid period and there are 127 instances (positions) of this pairing. This number is the same as Matching because there is only one pairing being analyzed. This number can grow with multiple award pairing preferences.
Preferred 46:63:127: 46 pairings match the bid preference. These pairings operate 63 times in the bid period and there are 127 instances (positions) of this pairing. This number is the same as Matching because there is only one pairing being analyzed. This number can grow with multiple award pairing preferences.
Prefer Off / Avoid Pairing Results
This section looks further at the results from the negative Avoid Pairings If Average Daily Credit < 004:00 bid preference. Remember that negative bid preferences (Avoid Pairings and Prefer Off) remove pairings from consideration by the PBS Scheduler when building your block.
Matching 22:40:74: 22 pairings match the bid preference. These pairings operate 40 times in the bid period and there are 74 instances (positions) of this pairing.
(-)Filtered 22:40:74: 22 pairings match the bid preference. These pairings operate 40 times in the bid period and there are 74 instances (positions) of this pairing. This number is the same as Matching because there is only one pairing being analyzed. This number can grow with multiple negative preferences.
Filtered 91:194:401: There are 91 pairings in the available pairing pool that operate 194 times in the month with 401 instances (positions). These pairings are the pool of possible awards.
(+)Preferred 0:0:0: No pairings match because this is a negative bid preference. Not shown when viewing the results inside of the bid group.
Preferred 0:0:0: This is a negative bid; therefore, no pairings were added to the Preferred pool.