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N-PBS 24.7 Bugs


N-PBS 24.7 Bugs 

N-PBS 24.7 Bugs 

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Detailed Explanation

D-37482 - CJT - Layover Rest not Showing for SDTY Pairings

An issue where layover rest does not display for SDTY pairings has been identified and addressed. This occurs when loading OCT pairings where any pairing with an SDTY does not display layover time after the rest period between two locations. A code modification has been implemented to ensure layover rest for SDTY pairings is correctly read and calculated.

 D-42230 - ASAP - Invalid Error of "Inviolate Days Off cannot contain gaps" 

We corrected an issue where pilots received an error message stating, "The selected Inviolate Days Off cannot contain gaps," even when there were no gaps between vacation blocks and requested IDO days.This issue occurred:

  • When a combination of vacation days (PVA or PVAT) and GDO days earlier in the month was present.

  • In cases where no bid line type was selected.



The error was successfully replicated in the UAT environment, confirming the root cause and enabling resolution (Image 1). 


We could not recreate issue #2, where the error "The selected Inviolate Days Off cannot contain gaps" was reported. However, during testing, a new error occurred: "Set condition Bidline of type {Inviolate Days Off} has exceeded its max bid group count of 1" (Image 2)  



D-42230 - ASAP - Invalid error of "Inviolate days off cannot contain gaps" Cont'd

The issue is successfully resolved after removing only the PGD.


 The issue is successfully resolved through the Admin UI by removing the PGDO. 



Resolution Details

We resolved this issue by adding a modification to the code to add a check on eligible activities when grouping the activity blocks.

D-42522 - DAL - Pairing Tab not filtering correctly with IF Qualifier (Depart On and Checkout Date/Time) 

We resolved an issue where filtering by Depart On > Dates List > December 18, 19 & 20 and Pairing Check-Out Time > Dates Time Range > between December 18 00:00 and December 20 23:59 is showing pairings that begin prior to those constraints. This issue has been fixed by adding a code modification which ensures that pairings filtered display only pairings that start within the specified date range.



D-44899 - SIL - ERROR message instead of WARNING message when loading N-OC Crew File 

An issue where SIL gives an ERROR when loading crew (see the image below), preventing crew members from being loaded, has been resolved. Previously, this was a WARNING message that could be bypassed to continue the load. 




Resolution Details

We resolved this issue by adding the return message and validation during the TOPS Crew import to meet validation requirements. Additional tests are implemented to show errors when some elements in the file are not correct. A code modification for N-OC has been made to store the previous state.


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