Note: In most configurations Any and Every options are not available for Avoid Pairings Bid Preferences. If you do not see these options on your avoid bids, you do not have them.
Avoid Every only removes pairings where every leg has the property that you want to avoid. For example, Avoid Pairings if Every Leg is Redeye does not remove pairings where not all legs are redeyes. It only removes pairings where every leg is a redeye.
Bid Preferences and Pairing Properties
There are two types of bid preferences to consider with Any and Every. Bid preferences that award/avoid pairings with properties that are always present and properties that may not be present in a pairing.
Properties that are always present:
Aircraft Type
Duty Legs
Duty On
Duty Duration
Employee Number.
Pairings will always have at least one aircraft type, duty leg, duty on (and its sub properties), and duty duration.
Properties that are not always present:
Line Check Airmen
Split Duty
Sit Length
Enroute Check-In and Check-Out.
There can be pairings that do not have any of these properties.
If a pairing does not have these properties, it will not match:
If Every
If Not Every
If Any.
If a pairing does not have these properties. it will match:
If Not Any.
Using Layovers as an example:
If Every Layover < 24:00
A pairing only matches if it has at least 1 layover AND every layover is < 24:00.
If Not Every Layover < 24:00
A pairing only matches this property if it has at least 1 layover AND not every layover is < 24:00. For example, the pairing must have at least 1 layover which is not < 24:00. A pairing with zero layovers is not considered.
If Any Layover < 24:00
A pairing only matches this property if it has at least 1 layover < 24:00.
If Not Any Layover < 24:00
A pairing matches this property whenever it does not have at least 1 layover < 24:00.
This includes pairings with zero layovers. It also includes pairings with at least 1 layover with no layovers < 24:00.
Deadhead Legs
The new Any/Every options will not make any changes to whether deadhead legs count as matching. In past releases, Flight Number would match if any leg (either deadhead or non-deadhead) matched. Therefore for this property, If Any will be matched if any leg (deadhead or non-deadhead) matches. If Every will only be matched if every leg (deadhead and non-deadhead) matches.
The properties Redeyes, Charter, Aircraft Type, and Employee Number would previously have been matched only if a non-deadhead leg matched. Therefore for these properties, If Any will only be matched if at least 1 non-deadhead leg matches. If Every will be matched if every non-deadhead leg matches. The property Landings In will include deadhead legs only if the bidder uses the option Counting Deadhead Legs.
If Any/All Logic
Some bid preferences have meanings that change, depending on whether you use an Award Pairings or Avoid Pairings bid preference. The bid preferences affected by Any/All logic are:
Duty Duration
Duty Legs
Enroute Check-In Time
Enroute Check-Out Time
Sit Length.
The following chart identifies the bid preferences affected, and the meaning of each combination.