Logging in and out
In this topic we will show you how to log in to N-Crew and how to change the password initially assigned to you by your administrator.
We estimate that this will take 2 minutes to complete.
Detailed Explanation
Let's assume your system administrator has provided an initial log-in with Employee number and Password both 999999. Enter these into the login fields.
Your system administrator will tell you the url (web page address) of the login screen or send you a link to it.
Click the Employee Number input field.
Enter 999999 into the Employee Number field.
Click the Password input field.
Enter 999999 into the Password field.
If you forget your password, you can click Forgot Password? to receive emailed instructions on how to reset your password.
Click the Login button.
When you log in for the first time, you must select a new password to replace the temporary one assigned by your administrator.
Password requirements show in the dialog box.
Click the Current Password input field.
Type hint to help learners. (12pt)
Enter 999999 into the Current Password field.
Click the New Password input field.
Enter 123456 into the New Password field.
Click the Confirm New Password input field.
Enter 123456 into the Confirm New Password field.
Click the Change Password button.
Click the OK button.
Congratulations! You have logged in.
The default screen you see is this Info screen, which contains informaiton about your bidder details. We will explore these in a different topic. Note that you can now see your online status with the green dot at the top right.
For the purpose of this example, log out.
Click the Logout
Once logged out, you can close your browser instance.