1 Introduction
How to Search Within NAVBLUE Support Portals
This article shows you how the search feature works within the NAVBLUE product support portals.
We estimate that this will take 3 minutes to complete.
2 Portal Searching
Portal Searching
All of the product support portals have search functionality within them and this works in the same way for every portal. In this article we will use the Charts+ product support portal for demonstration purposes.
Although searching is very simple, there are some methods you can use that we will explain in this article that help you to get to the results you are looking for quickly and easily.
All searches need to start from the product support page at www.navblue.aero/support
Let's imagine that we are looking for help on the Charts+ product and that we need help on route planning.Our keyword that we will use when searching is "route".
Click the Chart+ image.
3 Charts+ Support Portal
Click the Enter your search term here... input field. Enter route into the Enter your search term here... field.
We have navigated to the Charts+ support portal. Note, we are not logged in as an authorized user yet. This means that the content we can see and the content we are search on will be restricted to only that content which is classified as being for public use.
You can tell that you are not logged in, because the Login button is available.
Click the Route Validation (Charts+Windows 18.1) list item.
Notice that there is an icon like this next to each of the search results? This indicates that the result is classified as a solution from the knowledge base.
The search results are restricted to publicly available content. Clicking on any of the search results will take you to the relevant content.
3.1 Login
Click the Login hyperlink.
Click the LOGIN button.
If you do not have a username and password, but would like one, or you have colleagues that need one, then please contact NAVBLUE Support using the email address [email protected] and request access.
You would normally fill in your username and password next, but for the purposes of this demonstration we have filled them in already.
Click the Enter your search term here... input field. Enter route into the Enter your search term here... field.
Press the key.
4 Search : Charts+ - Google Chrome
Please click Next to continue.
All results in all categories are now listed. You know that it is all the results because the All tab is highlighted. Results in the All category often go over more than one page.
Click the Solutions hyperlink.
Click the Topics hyperlink.
Click the Tickets hyperlink.
Click the Charts+ hyperlink.
5 Add a New Support Ticket
Add a New Support Ticket
At this point, we will raise a new support ticket with the word "route" included in the ticket.
When new tickets are added, the text within the ticket does not immediately become searchable. This can take two to three minutes on average.
Click the SUBMIT A TICKET button.
Click the Subject input field. and Enter Route help needed in Subject input field.
Click the Type dropdown button.
Click the Information list item.
Click Description. Enter Hi - I need help with creating a route into the Description field.
Click the Submit button.
Click the MY TICKETS hyperlink.
Click the Route help needed #65870 hyperlink.
The ticket is now shown and can be used as normal.