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Rule Exception Screen

The Rule Exception Screen displays all rule exceptions entered or imported (imported from the data import screen) by Administrators. From this screen, you can access the rule exception table to add new rule exceptions or edit existing ones. Also, the Report button allows you to run a report that displays all exceptions and all pairings that match the criteria of the exception.

When you add a rule exception, it is stored in a table that maps the pairing criteria to the rule values. Special rule values are applied when building schedules if the pairing matches the criteria. Some of the rule values replace the standard values used in existing rules - these values can be more or less-restrictive than standard values. Other rule values are separate from existing rules and activate additional rules. The rule values from the exceptions are applied during runs.

The rule exceptions are period specific and will not be available to be edited for old deactivated periods. The rule exceptions are also applied in the Line Simulator.

Refer to the Add/Edit Rule Exceptions article for further information. Rule exception criteria can be viewed on the Run Statistic Report under the Rule Exception category on the report.


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