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Submit Your Bid

Current Bid

You can submit your Current bid as many times as you want while bidding is open. Your Current bid, if submitted, is always used to build your line for the bid period. If you do not submit a current bid, your Default bid is used. Your Reasons Report states what bid was used, either Current or Default.

Note: Contact your administrator if you are unsure when your bidding period is open.

Default Bid

You can submit your Default bid as many times as you want as long as you have access to the system. Your Default bid is only used if you do not submit a Current bid. Changes made to your Default bid after bidding closes will not take effect until the next bid period.

Submit Your Bid

The Active Submit button is active if you have made changes to your bid and you have not submitted yet.

The Inactive Submit button is inactive if you have not made any changes to your bid or you have submitted it.

Bid Validation: The N-PBS interface validates your bid when you submit it. The validation ensures that you do not submit a bid with bid groups that will not be used by the N-PBS Scheduler. You can only submit your bid if you are connected to the Internet (online mode).

When you click on Submit, you are submitting your Current, Default, and Training (if you have the Training module) bid to the N-PBS Scheduler. When you submit your bid, you may see a message that not all bids have been submitted. The submit messages tell you what has been submitted and what has not. 

Example: If you submit a Default bid while Current bidding is closed, you will see a message that your Default bid has been submitted, but your Current has not. You will always receive a confirmation number for any bid that has been submitted.

Submitting Current and Default Bid for the current bid period. 

Your Current bid is always used to build a line for the bid period, even if you submit a Default bid while bidding is open after you have submitted a Current bid. If you change your Default bid and submit it outside of the Roster month when bidding is open, that default bid is not used until there is a Roster month that you do not submit a Current bid. 

Note: Your Default bid is only used if you have not submitted a Current bid. 

The N-PBS Bidder displays a confirmation number at the top of the screen once your bid has been successfully submitted.

You can make changes to your bid until bid closing time. After bidding closes, you cannot change your Current or Default bids for the bid period that was just closed.

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